Kao Hideki | Kramer The Walk
Genre: Leftfield

Kao Hideki / Kramer - The Walk

Shimmy Disc

Release Date: 01/08/2024

Cat No:

Format: Vinyl


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More about The Walk

Shimmy Disc released The Walk on Thu Aug 01 2024. The 5 track Leftfield release features Kao Hideki, and Kramer.

Shimmy Disc has released vinyl by Paul Leary, Jad Fair, Kramer, Constant Follower, Numun, Britta Phillips, David Grubbs, Ben Copperhead, Danielson, Eerie Wanda, Rob Crow, Jd Pinkus, Tall Tall Trees, Bruce Haack, and Allen Ginsberg.

People who like The Walk also listen to Shockabilly, Bongwater, Gary Lucas, Dogbowl, Lida Husik, The Residents, Eugene Chadbourne, The Captain Howdy, Negativland, and John Zorn.