John Shima | Mihail P John Shima and Mihail P for Music Minds Matter
Genre: House

John Shima / Mihail P - John Shima and Mihail P for Music Minds Matter


Release Date: 22/06/2020

Cat No: SER001

Format: Vinyl


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Mihail P

More about John Shima and Mihail P for Music Minds Matter

Serenity released John Shima and Mihail P for Music Minds Matter on Mon Jun 22 2020. The 4 track House release features John Shima, and Mihail P.

Serenity has released vinyl by John Shima, Mihail P, Thoma Bulwer, Anna Wall, Innershades, Jos, Harry Wills, Rob Amboule, Jay Tripwire, Jehr, Cyberduck, Nail, Trixie, Connor Male, and Octogen.

People who like John Shima and Mihail P for Music Minds Matter also listen to Techno, Imugem Orihasam, Arne Weinberg, Glitch, Conforce, Jose Pouj, Nick Dunton, Mind Over MIDI, Fabrizio Lapiana, and Abstract Division.