Evan Parker | Paul Lytton Collective Calls Urban: Two Microphones
Genre: Soul Jazz

Evan Parker / Paul Lytton - Collective Calls Urban: Two Microphones


Release Date: 09/12/2023

Cat No: ROKURE007

Format: Vinyl


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More about Collective Calls Urban: Two Microphones

Otoroku released Collective Calls Urban: Two Microphones on Sat Dec 09 2023. The 8 track Soul Jazz release features Evan Parker, and Paul Lytton.

Otoroku has released vinyl by Roscoe Mitchell, Tony Marsh, John Edwards, Llln, Pat Thomas, Roger Turner, Yukihiro Isso, Peter Broetzmann, Steve Noble, Kan Mikami, Alex Neilson, Keiji Haino, John Butcher, Derek Bailey, and Evan Parker.