Docteur Satan Docteur Satan
Genre: Disco

Docteur Satan - Docteur Satan

Im A Cliche

Release Date: 14/05/2015

Cat No: CLICHE061

Format: Vinyl


  • the operator
  • entity (red axes remix)
  • (666) 361
  • entity

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More about Docteur Satan

Im A Cliche released Docteur Satan on Thu May 14 2015. The 4 track Disco release features Docteur Satan.

Im A Cliche has released vinyl by Alixander Iii, Binary Chaffinch, Botox, Crackboy, Hannulelauri, Hardway Bros, Red Axes, Orestt, Rouge Mecanique, Docteur Satan, Stiletti Ana, Cosmo Vitelli, and Jonathan Kusuma.

People who like Docteur Satan also listen to Kino Internacional, DREAM DAMA, MANUAL, Bank-O, Los Impecables, Sex Judas, Moscoman, Pago, Boot & Tax, and Philipp Gorbachev.