Release Date: 12/01/2013
Cat No: ROBSOUL 115
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Start digging Local Talk released Local Talking EP on Sat Jan 12 2013. The 3 track House release features Anaxander.
Local Talk has released vinyl by Anaxander, Anthony Bois, Circulation, Crst Vs Chesus, Dale Howard, Deymare, Dirtytwo, Freedom, Elef, Hnny, John Mood, Kindimmer, Kyodai, Mateo And Matos, and Orazio Fantini.
People who like Local Talking EP also listen to Fulbert, Laszlo Dancehall, Wil Maddams, Chesus, Ben Sun, Outboxx, Tommy Rawson, Wbeeza, Shane Linehan, and Terrence Pearce.